Get to know the regionalisms in Tijuana to better enjoy your visit to this city and thus living with its beautiful people is more enjoyable for you.
As in other cities in Mexico, Tijuana has a rich variety of phrases or words that are distinguished for being used only in their city, many of them have the influence of Spanglish due to its proximity to the United States. We present you some of the best known and used regionalisms in Tijuana that can help you to better understand the conversations with the people of this beautiful city.
Regionalisms in Tijuana
Be agüitado
It’s their way of saying be sad
- “Dona Lupita se agüita por todo”, (Dona Lupita get sad for everything)
- “mi amigo esta agüitado porque se murió su perro”. (my friend is sad because his dog died)
It is their way of saying that something is fantastic, good, fun, etc.
- “La nueva casa de Pablo esta bien curada“. (Pablo’s new house is very beautiful)
- “¡ Qué curada estuvo la fiesta anoche ! (How good was the party last night !)
Ponerse trucha
It is his way of saying that you should pay attention or be alert to something.
- “Tenemos que llegar a tiempo, ¡ ponte trucha para agarrar un taxi vacío !”. (We have to be on time, pay attention to catch an empty taxi !)
- “La prueba de manejo es muy difícil, así que ponte trucha“. (The test drive is very difficult, so get ready !)
It is their way of referring to a child or adolescent.
- “Tus morros están creciendo muy altos”. (Your children are growing very tall)
- “voy al cumpleaños de la morrita de mi amigo”. ( I’m going to my friend’s daughter’s birthday)
It is their way of referring to the friendly mockery of someone for something.
- “Los morros nos echaron carrilla después de perder el partido de futbol”, (The kids made fun of us after losing the soccer game)
- “Ya no aguanto la carrilla que me hacen mis amigos siempre que me visto bien”. (I can no longer stand the ridicule my friends make me whenever I dress well)
It is their way of referring to beers.
- “Que calor hace ! Me caerían muy bien unas cheves frías”, ( It is so hot ! I would really like some cold beers)
- “Pablo traerá las cheves para la fiesta”. (Pablo will bring beers for the party)
It is their way of referring to a bike.
- “Mañana iré a la escuela en mi baica“. (Tomorrow, I will go to school on my bike)
- “Necesito reparar la llanta de mi baica“. ( I need to repair the tire of my bike)
It is their way of referring to a man.
- “Aquel bato me pregunto por ti”. (That man asked me about you)
- “Esos batos van a la fiesta”. (Those men go to the party)
It is their way of saying drinking alcohol.
- “La fiesta estuvo bien curada, pisteamos toda la noche “. (The party was good, we drank all night)
- “Este fin de semana ire a pistear con mis amigos”. (This weekend, I will go to drink with my friends)
Ahí te caigo
It is their way of saying I will be there.
- “Ahí te caigo si estas en tu casa en la noche “. (I will be there if you are at your house at night)
- “vamos a ir a pistear a la casa de Jorge, ¿vienes? Ahí les caigo“. (let’s go drink at Jorge’s house, are you coming? I’ll be there)via:

These are just some of the regionalisms in Tijuana, when you visit it.
Don’t forget to practice them!
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