Get to know the Regionalisms in Oaxaca to enjoy your visit to this state more and better understand the talks with its beautiful local people.
The regionalisms in Oaxaca are part of its culture with a rich variety of phrases or words very peculiar to this region. We present some of the best known and most used regionalisms in Oaxaca that can help you better understand the conversations with the people of this beautiful state.
Aposcahuar : It is used as a synonym for the verb to spoil.
- “¡ Esta comida ya esta aposcahuada, no se puede comer! ” (¡This food is already spoiled, it cannot be eaten!).
- “¡ Olvide poner la leche en el refrigerador, ya se aposcahuó! ” (¡I forgot to put the milk in the fridge, it’s already spoiled!)
Muchito: It is their way of referring to a “child” with affection.
- “¡ Mira cómo se divierten los muchitos ! ” (See how the children are having fun ).
- “¿Por qué llora ese muchito?” (Why is that child crying?).
Speak quedito: It is their way of saying that to speak low, very soft.
- “La nueva maestra habla muy quedito, casi no se le oye” (the new teacher speaks very quietly, you can hardly hear her).
- “Habla quedito, el muchito ya esta dormido y puede despertarse”(Speak quietly, the child is already asleep and can wake up).
Chilaque: It is their way of referring to a mess.
- “Despues de la fiesta, los muchitos dejaron la casa hecha un chilaque” (After the party, the children left the house a mess).
- “¡ Este cuarto esta hecho un chilaque, ponte a limpiarlo ya! ” (This room is a mess, ¡start cleaning it now!).
¡ Que parió ! It is their way of expressing surprise, anger or bewilderment.
- “¡ Qué parió! olvidé las llaves de mi coche dentro” (Jeez! I forgot my car keys inside).
- “Se quemaron los frijoles ¡Qué parió!” (the beans were burned, Jeez!).
Chinguiñas: It is their way of referring to crusting of the eyes.
- “¿acabas de levantarte? puedo ver que todavía traes las chinguiñas” (you just get up? I can see you still have the crusting of the eyes).
- “¡ No olvides lavarte la cara para quitarte las chinguiñas !” (¡Do not forget to wash your face to remove crusting from your eyes!).
¡ Ay chintetes !: it is their way of expressing surprise.
- “Dona Lupita, ¿ sabía que asaltaron la casa de Don Paco? ¡ Ay chintetes, no sabía!” (Dona Lupita, did you know that Don Paco’s house was raided? ¡Jeez, I did not know!).
- “Ma, anoche murió Don Jacinto, ¡ Ay chintetes, que pena!” (Mom, Don Jacinto died last night, ¡Jeez, What a pity!)
Tlayudo : It is his way of referring to a physically large, strong and muscular person.
- “Cada vez estas mas Tlayudo desde que vas al gimnasio” ( You are getting more muscular since you go to the gym).
- “Necesito mover este mueble, llama a Javier que esta bien Tlayudo para que me ayude” ( I need to move this furniture, call Javier who is very strong to help me).
Cuche : It is their way of saying “dirty”.
- “El muchito trae los pantalones bien cuches” (The little boy brings his pants very dirty).
- “Voy a bañar al gato, ya esta bien cuche” ( I’m going to bathe the cat, it’s already very dirty). vi
Acedo : It is their way of saying “dirty”.
- “No hay agua y ya andamos todos muy acedos” (There is no water and we are all very dirty).
- “¡Jose, Lava esos tenis, ya están bien acedos!” (¡Jose, wash those tennis shoes, they are already very dirty!).

These are just some of the regionalisms in Oaxaca, when you visit this beautiful city of Oaxaca:
Don’t forget to practice them !
( Sources: palabras Oaxaqueñas –, 11 frases que solo los oaxaqueños entendemos– )
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