Most common coverages and benefits of a Mexican insurance policy offered at BestMex
For each coverage or benefit, the terms and conditions of each insurer apply, you can see those at the following links: Mapfre, Quálitas, GNP,
Collision, Overturn, and Glass breakage
- The insurance company pays for the losses of the insured vehicle for all damages in excess of the amount of the deductible caused by: collision, overturn and/or glass breakage..
- Towing expenses are covered to move the vehicle for repairs to a place designated by the insurance company .
Total Theft, Fire and Natural Disasters
- This coverage protects your vehicle up to the declared value in case of total theft, fire, lightning, explosion and meteorological phenomena such as storms, cyclones, hurricanes and earthquakes.
Partial theft and Vandalism
Partial Theft and Vandalism are excluded in some types of Standard policies, but covered in others through a special endorsement that will be specified when printing the declaration page of the policy.. Partial theft refers to parts or accessories permanently installed in the vehicle, it does not refer to luggage or personal belongings of the occupants.
Civil Liability for damages to Third Parties
- BI / PD (Bodily injury / Property damage) – CSL (Combined single limit): Coverage for the total amounts for which the insured is legally obligated to pay damages to third parties due to bodily injury (BI) or damage to property (PD), and in some cases other damages in which the insurance policy applies.
- The occupants of the insured vehicle are excluded in this coverage.
Medical expenses
- It covers the medical expenses of the driver and the occupants of the insured vehicle in Mexico, for sustained injuries in the event of a covered loss.
- Medical Assistance is provided 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and includes the following: Medical referrals, the company will provide medical referrals within the Mexican Republic, and ambulance service, if necessary, the insurance company will provide the names and telephone numbers of the ambulance service and will arrange for the dispatch after the costs have been authorized by the insurer.
Legal Assistance
- Provides legal services and required bail payment in the event of a covered loss.
- The insurance company will assign, upon request, the services of professional lawyers and will pay for the expenses of the process.
- These services are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Including a toll-free telephone line calling from Mexico for legal and assistance services.
Roadside Assistance Services
- Roadside Assistance helps you when your car breaks down. A call to the Emergency Service Line will then dispatch a service vehicle from an authorized local repair shop to assist you if your vehicle breaks down.
- The benefits for this coverage vary depending on the insurance company to be selected.
Repairs in the US or Canada
- Repairs in the US or Canada depend on the insurer and the coverage contracted.
- It will also depend on the conditions in which the vehicle is located to be moved to the US or Canada
Driver without insurance
- In case of an accident where the driver of the other vehicle is not insured; all the Mexican insurers available will make the policy effective covering the damages according to the limits contracted in your policy.
- In case of a claim where the payment of a bond is involved; all Mexican insurers available cover it.
Car Rental
- The rental car paid by the insurer in case of an accident depends on the insurer and the coverage contracted.
- Please go to the quotes page to find out which insurers cover this point.
Transportation by Emergencies
- The emergency transportation paid by the insurer in the event of an accident depends on the insurer and the contracted coverage.
- Please enter the quotes page to find out which insurers cover this point.
Tickets back home
- The return home tickets paid by the insurer in case of a claim depends on the insurer and the coverage contracted.
- Please go to the quotes page to find out which insurers cover this point.
Important Notes
For complete definitions of coverage and exclusions, please refer to the General Conditions of each insurer that you can see in the following links: Mapfre, Quálitas, GNP,
HDI. - Some insurers do not offer roadside assistance coverage, please see notes on the quotes page.
Frequent Questions
Restrictions on Collision and Total Theft coverage
- Vehicles valued below $ 3,000 or more than $ 80,000; or vehicles more than 15 years old, cannot be covered with collision coverage and total theft, depending on the Insurance company…. these rules may vary.
Restrictions on coverage for Medical Expenses for a motorcycle
- Motorcycles cannot be covered for Medical Expenses coverage.
Deductible of the policy, how much do I have to pay?
- The deductible is the amount that the insured is required to pay to the insurer in case of loss. All insurers offered by have an established deductible.
For the Standard type of policy, the deductible for material damage is a % of the current value of the insured vehicle, usually 2% with a minimum of $ 500 dollars and for total theft coverage it is also a % of the current value of the insured vehicle usually 5% with a minimum of $ 1,000.
For the types of policies (Max, VIP, Premier, Extended) the deductible is fixed, it will never change and in general the deductible for material damage coverage is $ 500 and for total theft coverage is $ 1,000.
- The deductible must be paid in the case of physical damage at the time of repair and in the case of total theft, this will be deducted from the payment of your vehicle.
Number of events covered by the policy.
- During the covered policy term, all events caused by collision, total theft, as well as civil liability, medical expenses and legal assistance are covered with the applicable deductible, if any, per event.
Number of events covered by the policy for roadside assistance coverage on the road.
- The coverage of roadside assistance varies depending on the insurer that is selected.
- If the policy is short term (it is not an annual policy), only one event may be covered during the term of the policy.
- If the policy is annual, 2 or 3 events may be covered during the term of the policy.
Cancellation of the policy before the start date.
- Canceling the policy is very simple! Visit our BestMex page in the “My Account” section.
- When you cancel before the policy goes into effect, you will receive a refund of 100% of the net premium of your policy.
- If the user cancels the policy from BestMex.com the policy free is NOT refundable. If the insured requests cancellation in writing, we and the insurer will analyze the request and depending on the case, 100% of the payment made will be reimbursed, including the policy fee. For written cancellation requests send an email to: service@bestmex.com and / or fax 888-329-6942, explaining the reason and your contact information. We suggest submitting your request on business days (Monday to Friday) and within office hours (9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CST), otherwise your request will be answered until the next business day.
- Important Note: Cancellations of policies paid by credit or debit card, processed with Stripe, can take between five to ten days for the refund to show on the client’s statements.
Cancellation of the policy after the start date.
- The first step to cancel a policy that has already started is to send your cancellation request to the email service@bestmex.com and / or fax 888-329-6942, explaining the reason and your contact information. We suggest sending your request on business days (Monday to Friday) and within office hours (9 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. CST), otherwise your request will be answered until the next business day.
- We, together with the insurer, will analyze if the contracted policy may be cancelled, and a response is given.
- If the cancellation applies to your policy, you should consider that there are conditions and restrictions depending on two variables: Type of contracted policy and insurer contracted.
- The days elapsed since the beginning of the policy as they are taken into consideration.
- The refund is calculated according to the premium on the number of days used.
- If you need help with your cancellation, you can call toll-free at 888.734.8760 within our office hours.
Important Note: Cancellations of policies paid by credit or debit card, processed with Stripe, can take between five to ten days for the refund to show on the client’s statements.
Adding additional days to your policy.
- It is very simple!
- Simply log in BestMex.com system and buy a policy for the number of additional days you need.
Personal Items inside the vehicle are NOT covered.
- No policy covers personal items inside the vehicle in the event of a loss.
The policy DOES cover other drivers in case of accident.
As long as the following conditions are met:
1. Comply with the conditions established in the Temporary Vehicle Import Permit with respect to the persons authorized to drive.
For vehicles imported by Mexicans residing abroad:
- By the importer, his / her spouse, parents, children or siblings as long as they are residents abroad
- By a foreigner with visitor status, temporary resident and temporary resident student.
- Or by someone other than those authorized as long as the person who imported the vehicle is on board.
For vehicles imported by foreigners:
- By the importer, his / her spouse, parents, children or siblings even when they are not foreigners.
- By a foreigner with visitor status, temporary resident and temporary resident student.
- Or by any person as long as any of the persons authorized to drive said vehicle travel on board.
2. In the case of MAPFRE, HDI and GNP insurance companies, the driver must have a driver’s license from any country that is current and valid, issued by a competent authority and that said license is of the appropriate type (plates and use) for driving the insured vehicle.
In the case of the QUALITAS insurer, the driver must have a driver’s license issued by the competent and corresponding authority of the country of registration of the unit, which is current and valid and that said license is of the appropriate type (plates and use ) to drive the insured vehicle. Note: Driving permits issued in accordance with the provisions of the corresponding Traffic Regulations will be considered as licenses.
Information that is required for the purchase of a policy.
Before starting the purchase of the policy at BestMex.com, please have the vehicle registration, the name of the finance company in case you are paying for the vehicle and the names of additional drivers that you want to show in the policy to other drivers.
- For the payment of the policy you will need a credit card.
Estimated cost of Mexican auto insurance
- The cost is calculated taking into account the number of days of coverage, cost and type of vehicle and other details that differ for each insurance company. However, remember that depending on the length of your stay, it could be less expensive to buy a six months or a year instead of a policy for days.
- The BestMex.com system will show you all the quotes available for your situation.
On-Road Assistance Service How and when to use it?
- The Assistance Service on the Road helps you when your car breaks down during your trip. When calling your insurer’s Emergency Service Line, they will send a service vehicle from an authorized local repair shop to help you repair the fault or damage to your car. The benefits for this coverage vary depending on the company to be selected.
- Note: Vehicles valued at less than $ 3,000 dollars or more than $ 80,000 dollars, as well as vehicles with more than 15 years old, can not be protected with collision and total theft coverage. Depending on the insurance provider these rules may vary. Motorcycles do not have Medical Expenses coverage.
For complete definitions of coverages and exclusions, please refer to the information in the General Conditions of your policy depending on the provider.