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Mexican law astricts foreign drivers to have at least $50,000 of civil liability coverage for bodily injury or physical damage in case of an auto accident. Buying an auto insurance policy certified by a Mexican insurer protects you from legal infringement. Mexican law doesn’t recognize foreign insurance coverage from private vehicle owners while in Mexico. A licensed Mexican insurance agency can sell the basic auto coverage, that is astricted by the Mexican legal structure. Without Mexico car insurance, a petty car accident can spiral to incarceration and expensive financial compensation.


Mexican law astricts liability insurance sold by an American company to be mediated by an authorized Mexican auto insurance broker. Buying online easily facilitates coverage before visiting which really has convenient pricing and processing without filing paperwork except, when obtaining proof of purchase.


Auto insurance policies are sold from Mexican insurance brokers. Assure you’re aware who is accrediting your policy. Because the company superposes the broker who is providing your auto insurance coverage. Word of advice, when choosing a broker ensure they can easily facilitate any claim while in Mexico.


Mexico has more than 50 auto insurers. Confirm with any broker about their partnerships and the range of financial guarantees from their Mexican auto insurers.


Buying auto insurance from a credible and monetarily secure company is more pricey, yet the extra premiums guarantees reduced liabilities in case of a claim. Safeguard yourself and your economic acquisitions by having a Mexican auto insurance broker that certifies your insurance policy and has a verifiable history of consistency.