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Traveling from USA to Mexico will be much easier if you plan your trip in advance. The same way as you plan your personal or work projects; planning is definitely the most important part of any activity in your life. Organizing goes hand to hand with planning and if you don’t want to have a catastrophic trip, you should plan and prevent any risk.

In the first place, allocate your budget. Make a list of the stops, toll booths, recreational activities and food, and set a gas estimate. Calculate the average cost of each and discard those activities that interest you the less. Try to make a good use of your resources.

In second place, search for lodging. If you will cross the US border into Mexico, you’ll probably visit your family, and surely you’ll have a place to stay for free. If this is the case, you’ll save a lot of money, if not, you should look for a place to spend the night during your journey.

Make sure to prepare your luggage with anticipation to avoid forgetting anything and above all, avoid making unnecessary expenses later on. Try to bring only what you’re really going to use in order to have enough space for gifts or souvenirs from your trip.

And last but not least, you must buy a Mexican car Insurance to be protected at all times. Choose the best Mexican Insurance. Get a quote right now with the most reliable auto insurance,