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Whether you were born or raised in the US, and the fact that the country is so close to Mexico and the Latin neighborhoods; If you travel to the Aztec country, it is common when you interact with the local people, you face conversations that include idiomatic expressions that you might won’t understand at all.

In Mexico, expressions may vary and can be very different in every state or region. Words can change their meaning radically whether you ‘re in Monterrey or in Baja California.

These expressions are called regionalisms, which are concepts or specific phrases of a country, state or region, that usually are synonyms of commonly used words. The linguistic regionalism own idiomatic expressions of a specific region.

We will give some examples of the most common regionalisms in Mexico, so when you cross the border into Mexico, you understand the most common expressions.

We recommend you to read: How to become a Mexican citizen

In addition to this, and before crossing the border if you are traveling by car, you will need to purchase a Mexican auto insurance due to legal requirements from the neighbor country. Get yours at and get the best price and coverage for your car.

(Bus) Autobús – camión, pesera, trolebús.

(Chili) Chile – picante.

(Conflict/ Dispute) Conflicto – bronca.

(Bad) Malo – chafa.

(Good) Bueno – padre, chido.

(Work) Trabajo – chamba.

(People that speak a lot) Persona que habla mucho – hocicón, perico.

(Children) Niños – chamacos, chavos.

(Friends) Amigos – cuates, compas.

(Bad dressed person) Mal vestido – fachoso.

(Money) Dinero – lana.

(Decomposed/ Something broken) Descompuesto – amolado, tronado, descompuesto.

(Car caregiver) Cuidador de coches – franelero, viene viene.

These are just a few of the most used Mexican regionalism. What do you think? Did you already know them?


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