ALL CLAIMS must be reported while still in Mexico to the corresponding Mexican insurer and physical damage claims must be initially evaluated by the insurer before leaving Mexico. Claims may be declined if they are not reported in Mexico.
In the Event of Accident or Theft of your Automobile
1. Call police if help is necessary!
2. Do not leave the scene of the accident and wait for the insurance company adjuster.
- 3. Don’t make any personal agreements and don’t sign any papers unless your adjuster or your lawyer is with you.
- 4. Don’t accept responsibility for the accident. Let the insurance company take care of your claim.
- 5. We have service centers that operate 24 hours a day with bilingual service. With your policy on hand, please immediately contact the office of your Mexican insurer.
- 6. Call the following phone numbers depending on the insurer:
For Insurance claims Quálitas.:
(800) 062-4471
(800) 004-9600
(55) 5258-2880
(800) 800-2880
(800) 288-6700
(800) 062-0840
(800) 062-0841
IMPORTANT: If the call does not go through initially from your USA mobile, try two or three times OR call from a Mexican landline telephone OR call international long distance on your USA mobile by dialing
01152(55) 5258-2880
24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
For Insurance claims MAPFRE:
(800) 026-6358
(800) 026-6551
(55) 5950-2108
IMPORTANT: If the call does not go through initially from your USA mobile, try two or three times OR call from a Mexican landline telephone OR call international long distance on your USA mobile by dialing
01152(55) 5950-2108
24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
For Insurance Claims GNP:
(800) 026-5110
(55) 5227-3662
IMPORTANT: If the call does not go through initially from your USA mobile, try two or three times OR call from a Mexican landline telephone OR call international long distance on your USA mobile by dialing
01152(55) 5227-3662
24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
For Insurance Claims HDI:
(800) 019-6000
(477) 740-2818
IMPORTANT: If the call does not go through initially from your USA mobile, try two or three times OR call from a Mexican landline telephone OR call international long distance on your USA mobile by dialing
01152(477) 740-2818
24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
7. In case all of the above phone numbers do not go through or you are having other problems, call 24/7 our USA phone number (469)351-7341 or 001(469)351-7341.
- 8. Obtain from the insurance company call center your CLAIM REPORT # and obtain from the adjuster copy of the claim report(s); and be sure to write down the names of the call center representative, the adjuster and attorney if present. With this information we will be able to assist you in following up on your claim.
Documents and Procedures to Expect from the Adjuster
- The Accident Report, which is completed and signed first by you (the insured) and then by the adjuster.
- The Admissions Voucher (for use at the auto repair shop), and in which the damages caused by the accident are described. Both the adjuster and the insured must sign this document and the Original voucher is retained by the insured. (There is no voucher if the claim is for total theft or liability only).
- The adjuster should take Pictures and verify the Vehicle Identification Number (unless total theft).
- If the insured is required to present himself/herself at the Transit Police Station, the adjuster should accompany him/her.
- The adjuster should schedule a meeting for the insured at the Insurance company’s valuation centers or approved auto repair shop for damage assessment.
(Depending on the type of accident / claim, these procedures may vary.)
- Provide the adjuster with all the info and details concerning the accident and write out a brief summary in the report.
- The adjuster will advise if it is necessary for the Insured to go to the Transit Police Station and/or release the vehicle (if impounded). If the Transit Police determine that the insured is not at fault, it may be necessary to file a claim with the ‘Ministerio Público’.
- Present all the Documentation requested by the adjuster, depending on the type of claim. (i.e. policy, license, vehicle registration, temporary import permit, proof of US residence, etc.).
- Go to the damage assessment meeting at the insurance company’s authorized repair shops.
- If necessary, pay the corresponding Deductible. The adjuster will advise the insured where and to whom the payment should be made. (Get a receipt!).
- It is your obligation to present your claim with HDI Seguros, S.A. de C.V. Obtain your report number from the insurance company’s call center and a claim report from the adjuster and/or the authorities before returning to the United States. Failure to comply with the above may result in denial of your claim.
- Damage evaluations will be made in Mexico not in the USA unless otherwise authorized in writing by the insurance company.
Nota – Some of these steps may vary depending on the type of accident.
For claims follow-up
For Follow-ups with Quálitas insurance:
Horario de atención: de lunes a viernes de 8 am a 5 pm PST.
- Llamando desde USA. 01152(664) 634-1446
- Llamando desde México (664) 634-1446
For Follow-ups with MAPFRE insurance:
Horario de atención: de lunes a jueves de 8 am a 2 pm y de 3 pm a 5:30 pm; viernes de 8 am a 2 pm PST.
- Oficina de México (664) 633-8800 ext. 8819 or 01152(664) 633-8800 ext. 8819
- Número directo de la oficina de México (664) 633-8819 or 01152(664) 633-8819
- Número móvil en USA (619) 227-9575 or 001(619) 227-9575
For Follow-ups with GNP Insurance:
Horario de atención: de lunes a viernes de 8 am a 4 pm PST.
- Llamando desde USA 1(888) 823-4745
- Llamando desde México (664) 635-7000 Ext. 7022 or Ext. 7023
Email address: siniestros.turistas@gnp.com.mx
For Follow-ups with HDI Insurance:
Horario de atención: de lunes a viernes de 9 am a 2 pm CS.
- Llamando desde USA 01152(477) 710-4700 Ext. 4147
- Llamando desde México (477) 710-4700 Ext. 4147
- Si la reparación es en USA, visite la pagina: www.internationalclaimservice.com
Upon your return to the United States, call us with your complaints, comments and suggestions at: 1 (972) 719-4008
Important Announcement
Other Articles of Interest
FAQ´s in case of an Accident