At our mission is that when you travel to Mexico you will have a safe and pleasant trip. If you do have an accident or a loss always remain calm. Our website allows you to purchase your Mexican car insurance with the ideal coverages tailored to your needs.

There are several reasons why BestMex is chosen as the best in the market. Our commitment to provide the best quality to our customers has been our number one priority and it is for this reason that we strive every day to provide the best service through our website. Our customer service for clients is toll free and our representatives are very knowledgeable.
The Best Insurers
BestMex represents the best auto insurers in the Mexican market. We have years of working with these financially strong Mexican insurers.
Among them are Quálitas, Mapfre, GNP, HDI, , which have high ratings with A.M. Best Co., A. M. Best is known worldwide for its high prestige in the insurance business. Its only business is to evaluate and qualify insurance companies, according to their financial strength.
Competitive Prices
BestMex as part of MXGA Inc., has a great track record and experience of more than 28 years doing business in Mexico. We have significant bargaining power with the most important insurers in the market. We offer you the lowest prices available in the market. Our prices are most competitive and we offer the best discounts throughout the year.
Unique Claims Tracking System
BestMex has a unique system for tracking claims online. You simply go to you “My Account” on the BestMex website and track the progress of your claim.
Better Customer Service
BestMex provides service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year with toll free phone numbers for claims in Mexico.
Information and Online Help
BestMex provides online help to process permits for temporary importation of your car, without having to wait in line, just click on our link to the Banjército website. Banjercito is the only institution authorized to issue car importation permits. Bestmex also provides specific and useful information for your trip to Mexico …. such as Customs rules in Mexico, road safety recommendations, traffic recommendations, etc.
We are the best choice for Mexican Car Insurance
BestMex is the easiest and most reliable way to buy your Mexican car insurance to cross the border. Quote, Buy and Print your insurance policy in less than five minutes ….. and at the best price, and with the best quality service.
- When you buy directly online with, you do not pay agency administrative expenses.
- You do not pay a policy fee for additional units or vehicles which you may be towing.
- We have promotions and discounts to frequent customers.
- If you cross the border on a regular basis, we suggest you provide us your email address or telephone number. That way you can will receive special promotions.