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Cruce Fronterizo Antelope Wells
Amistad Dam

( American side)

Cruce Fronterizo Antelope Wells
Puente Internacional Presa La Amistad

( Mexican side)


Ciudad Acuña´s Office

Border Crossing Amistad Dam / Puente Internacional Presa La Amistad

This crossing is located on the La Amistad Dam International Bridge between the city of Del Rio, Texas in the United States and Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila in Mexico. On the American side, it connects with Spur 349  and Federal Highway 2 on the Mexican side. Trucks are not allowed at this intersection. The Puerto Amistad Dam is the port of entry to the United States.


US Customs and Border Protection. Amistad Dam Port of Entry 

( American side) Del Rio, Texas

Border Crossing Puente la Amistad Map

Puente International Presa La Amistad  

( Mexican side) Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila

Border Crossing Puente la Amistad Map

Banjercito Border Office near Puente Internacional Presa La Amistad / Amistad Dam

This Banjercito office is located in the Customs Office of Ciudad Acuña.
Banjercito Office

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